Sunday, December 17, 2006

Pan Seared Chicken Breasts with Kumquat Jam

The farmers market had lots of great looking seasonal vegetables today, but most exciting was the kumquats. I haven't cooked before with them so this was an experiment, but the tart flavor of the kumquat "jam" did a lot for the sometimes pedestrian boneless skinless chicken breast.

Pan Seared Chicken Breasts with Kumquat Jam:
(serves 2)

2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
Salt and pepper to taste
1 tbs olive oil
1 tbs butter

For the kumquat jam:
8-10 ripe kumquats
1 c organge juice
1 tbs honey
1 tsp salt

Chop and seed kumquats, mix with other ingredients and simmer over medium heat until fruit is softened and sauce is reduced to desired thickness (about 20-30 minutes).

Meanwhile, preheat oven to 400. Season chicken breasts with salt and pepper and sear over high heat in a saute pan with butter and oil. Once both sides are seared, place in a baking dish and finish in the oven. To serve, plate chicken and spoon jam over the top. Pass remaining jam at table.


  1. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Way to experiment with the unknown.

  2. Thanks Peabody! Amazingly, the boyfriend ate the kumquats and the parsnips. :)

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Oh wow... what an interesting combo. This looks good!

  4. That looks incredible! I have never had a kumquat but I can tell that dish would be very tasty. Might be time to pick some kumquats up at the farmer's market...

  5. Thanks Kristen!

    BytheBay, thank you! I saw the little things at the farmers market and was so taken by their cuteness and delicious smell that I had to invent something to do with them. Now I'll grab them whenever I see them.

  6. Anonymous3:10 PM

    I may be mistaken, but I believe what you used in this dish are loquats. Kumquats look like little oval shaped oranges and they are sour on the inside, but the peel is sweet. They make a great marmalade. This looks really good, but I do believe those are loquats you used.

  7. Hi Kimbrah,

    You may be right. The farmer's market where I got them said they were kumquats, but I will say that English was not their first language and often then had to ask another person working what the English traslation was, so it could have been a mistake or translation issue.

    I hadn't seen either before, so would not have been able to tell the difference. When I compare pictures of both, I can see a resemblence...though I am leaning toward loquat.

    Thanks much for your comment!

  8. Hmmm, another point is that the things I had did NOT have any visible seeds, and photos I am seeing of loquats have brown seeds.

    Anyone have any idea? Has anyone seen both and could offer a comparison?

  9. Anonymous12:23 AM

    You know what, now that I look at them again, they kind of look like guavas. I know that guavas don't have noticeable seeds, but loquats do have big brown seeds. The latest post that you put up with pictures are definitely kumquats. We had a tree growing up. Hope that helps some.

  10. Thanks Kimbrah!

    Now that I have REAL kumquats, I know these weren't. Guava is a good idea - I hadn't thought of that.

    That's what I get for shopping at a farmer's market where no one speaks English and my Spanish vocabulary just isn't what it used to be - wrong fruit identification! :)

  11. Hi,

    I'm hosting AFAM - kumquats this month, today is the last day and I would love to have this recipe as your entry.

    Thank you, Margot

  12. Claire9:33 PM

    I made this with real kumquats before I read the comments are realized you had likely used guavas and not kumquats. I needed to add some extra sugar, but otherwise, it was pretty good

  13. Excellent recipe, I think we need more initiatives like this one, all is about good and healthy food. Vegetables are eaten in a variety of ways, as part of main meals and as snacks. The nutritional content of vegetables varies considerably. 23jj
