Sunday, January 21, 2007

Prosciutto, Basil, Parmesan & Truffle Oil Flatbread

This is my idea of football food. I made this during the oh-so-important Chicago Bears vs. New Orleans Saints game this afternoon and paired it with a sturdy Tuscan red wine. Hailing from Chicago, I have to say it is gratifying to finally see the Bears heading to a Super Bowl - especially since my local Cardinals suck, still.

I will admit I went shopping with my friend Melanie for a good portion of the game, but upon hearing who won, was elated for my long-suffering Bears. Go Bears!

This pizza is a grown-up version of the classic with excellent saltiness from the prosciutto and parmesan combined with sweetness from basil and a delicious earthiness from the white truffle oil. Store or restaurant bought dough makes it easy.

Prosciutto, Basil, Parmesan & Truffle Oil Flatbread:
(serves 4)

1 lb fresh pizza dough
Olive oil
Salt and Pepper
2 cups Fontina Cheese, grated finely
Parmigiano Reggiano, to taste
1/2 cup roughly torn pieces of prosciutto
1 cup fresh basil leaves, uncut
3 large basil leaves, cut into ribbons
1 tsp white truffle oil, or to taste

Let dough come to room temperature. Get your oven REALLY hot - as high as it will go.

Lightly grease a baking sheet, spread dough out and drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper. Bake until almost browning. Top with more olive oil, then basil leaves & prosciutto and then cheese (fontina first, then parm). Sprinkle with basil ribbons. Return to oven, bake until golden brown and crisp. Before serving, drizzle with white truffle oil.


  1. Kirsten,

    I love this combination of flavors - I've never tried truffle oil, though.

    Parmesan and basil are 2 ingredients I use a lot.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    This looks fantastic! I wish I had some of that for lunch right now.

  3. Hi Patricia & Kristen!

    The little drizzle of truffle oil made a huge difference - it seemed to add an earthiness and savory flavor beyond what else was in there.

    VERY sad news, however, about my white truffle oil. It was the first bottle I ever bought and this was the first recipe (and sadly, last) recipe I made with it.

    Tonight, by neccesity, I cleaned out my pantry and somehow in the process knocked my precious bottle to the (hard, tile) floor. It shattered and filled my kitchen with the overpowering scent of white truffles. The glass and oil was everywhere.

    In the cleanup, between fighting back tears, I managed (despite being careful) to seriously cut my right index finger - I'm having some trouble typing right now.

    So, while dealing with a finger gushing blood, I cleaned up the expensive and fragrant oil. :(

    It was so good, however, that I will buy more and be more careful next time!

  4. Kirsten,

    Poor you!

    I hope your finger is better - cuts are bad, they burn and everything you'll do with your hands becomes so hard.

    I guess I should find myself some truffle oil. ;D

  5. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about the fate of your oil, and your finger.

    I would have been in tears as well.

    How bad is the cut? Those liquid band-aids work so well for finger cuts.

  6. Thanks Patricia and Kristen!

    The cut was pretty bad. About 1/4 of an inch and jagged, right on the inside of the knuckle of my right hand.

    Unfortunately all I had were the cheap basic band-aids, no liquid band-aids. My whole kitchen was a mess with dishes and I hadn't made dinner yet, so it was a bad kitchen night. :(

    Tonight, however, my finger has scabbed over and I will buy more oil! :)

    Thanks for the kind words.
